About Hypnotherapy
There are lots of myths, misconceptions and mysteries surrounding hypnosis.
Hypnosis is not…​
'making you’ do anything you don’t want to
something that is’ done to’ you, or something you can get ‘stuck’ in
becoming unconscious or losing control
mind control, mind-reading, or magic
making you cluck like a chicken!
Hypnosis is…
...an altered, focused and absorbed mental-state, in which the conscious thinking-part of your mind is free to drift-off and let go. This allows the subconscious mind to become more active - enhancing inner-awareness, attention, and focus. During hypnosis, people are typically more receptive to new ideas and suggestions. Hypnotherapy takes advantage of this state of heightened suggestibility by making beneficial therapeutic suggestions to support people with positive thought, behaviour, and lifestyle changes - to help them achieve their goals.
What does it feel like?
Hypnotic ‘trance-like’ states occur naturally and can be experienced in everyday life e.g. when you drive somewhere on autopilot; if you are absorbed in a book, film, music, or other focussed activity and lose track of time; or when you find yourself walking along daydreaming.
During hypnosis people generally feel calm and relaxed. Some describe it as feeling like they are sleeping, dreaming, floating or zoned-out. However, the experience of hypnosis is subjective and individual, and everyone will experience it differently.