Did you know?
Almost half the UK's population make a New Year resolution
The average resolution lasts just 18 weeks.
Only one in 10 people will make their resolution last the whole year!
Don't be a Quitter!
Apparently today, the second Friday of January, has become widely known as 'Quitters Day'. Research carried out by Strava in 2019 found that today is typically the day that the majority of people are at risk of losing motivation and giving up on their New Year resolutions. So what can you do to keep your dreams alive, keep those promises to yourself and to make lasting, positive changes this year?
Tip #1 - Re-affirm your goals
Think about why you set yourself this goal. What are you hoping to achieve and why is it important to you? What are your main motivators? Focus on how life will be better for you when you reach this goal.
Tip #2 - Be SMART with your goals
Make sure your goal is SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-oriented.) It's important that your goal is clearly defined and that you can easily measure and track your progress. Often people feel like they have 'failed' because they set themselves completely unrealistic, huge life-goals which can seem overwhelming. Keep goals simple and attainable.
Tip #3 - Be kind to yourself
Prioritise your wellbeing. Don't mentally beat yourself up if you slip up occasionally. So, you caved and ate a piece of chocolate? You had a lie-in and missed your morning run? Life is unpredictable. The important thing is not to allow one mistake to lead you to give up completely. Tomorrow is a new day. Remember to strive for progress rather than perfection and make sure you celebrate each success, no matter how small it may seem.
Tip #4 - Break it down
This doesn't mean that you can't have a bigger 'dream' or life plan - just break it down into smaller, achievable steps that you can take to get there. It's better to make small changes in the right direction than none at all.
Tip #5 - Seek support
Seek support from friends, family or a professional coach or therapist. This will help to keep you on track. You may also find that there are new tools and techniques you can learn to help you work towards achieving your goals.
Don't give up
So don't give up - keep focussed and keep going.
If you would like some support in working towards your goals this year, please do not hesitate to contact me to find out how I might be able to help. Find your new lease of life with lisalife (email hello@lisalife.co.uk).
I would love to read your comments - what are your resolutions this year and how are you getting on with them? What are you going to do to make sure you stick to them?